How to get all us-east-1 Public IP Addresses for EC2 If necessary - Mac (install brew, then install jq) and Linux below that: /bin/bash -c "$(curl...
More details here: AWS Site-to-Site VPN Documentation I recently had to configure a Site-to-Site VPN connection between an AWS VPC and an Azure VNet....
This is sort of a chicken and egg situation where the egg has to come before the chicken. The state file is important and it maintains your current...
3 ways to test DNS in the command line · Akamai's DNS servers ran into a hiccup today (7/22/21) and it effected some big names, such as Steam, Play...
Hint: Use Linux commands 😊 · Like the subtitle suggests, doing things on the Linux CLI seems to always be easier than dealing with Windows, but at least...
Helpful Commands · One of the best things about Terraform is that you can use it everywhere - AWS, Azure, GCP, and many more cloud providers. This helps...